Devil Beater Wikia

Lewis is a playable character.


Lewis wears a heavy armor with blue and yellow adorns. He dons a samurai-like helmet with a large, blue pearl in the middle. He also has a red scar on his left cheek.

Upon obtaining the Vigor, the only notable difference is the mask he wears, which is similar to Chapel Coffman’s. He also grows in size, to be compared to Avaxus and Lisuke after they obtained the Vigor.


Normal moves
key Description Damage Cooldowns
LMB Stop in place, then lunge slash. Does medium damage. PASSIVE BONUS: 25% Knockback resistance. 250 0.4 seconds
E Stop in place. And release an extremely powerful closely ranged blast. Stuns for a 5-second impact. 250 10 seconds
R Creating a moving shield. Follows the cursor slowly, absorbing some enemy attacks. 300 (HP) 25 seconds
F Momentarily casts your sword into the air to land an infinite shockwave. Giving nearby allies armor and recovering health. The move is canceled by pressing F again. 50 per shockwave 7 seconds
Vigor moves
key Description Damage Cooldowns
LMB How do you even own this? You can have some did you know gaming facts. ??? ???
E Did you know? Chapel's mask doesn't actually do anything. There's no power attached to it. ??? ???
R Chapel REALLY doesn't like his face. ??? ???
F Chapel at one point was planned to drop from sky island, but there is no challenge worthy enough to be made for his character. ??? ???


Not much is known from Lewis but he is highly loyal to the Cartel, stealing the sword from Keith and adamantly stating that it was not Keith's sword (much to his nostalgic anger), but rather "belongs to the Cartel".

Attacks (Enemy)[]

Lewis' sword was actually stolen from Keith. He uses all the attacks as he does in his move-set with the exception of summoning a large black energy ball for high knockback and small damage, as well as over healing due to his F attack. He does NOT absorb damage with his F attack, instead he gains 1,050 hp for each time he pulses yellow.

During the Vigor Lewis fight, he gains a different moveset and is also super-sized due to the colossus blood‘s effects.

  • Slashes 3 times with his sword.
  • Summons dark Vigor orbs around him.
  • Slams on the ground with his entire weight.
  • Summons an orb in front of him which does a time stop and sucks every player into it.

On top of that, his hitbox is increased due to his size, but that also means his attacks are more widespread and can hit further than normal enemies.




  • Increases Lewis' maximum health and armor. Armor gain is 1/250th of health.
  • Increase Lewis' base damage
  • Increase Lewis' lifesteal (from 0) a minor amount


  • As of April 29th, 2017, Lewis can be safely deemed very difficult to beat unless using low cooldown characters such as Rhinechi or Estrada Page.
  • All chars with lower than 200(?) Damage per attack do not damage him, at all.
  • He is noted to have the ability to absorb Vigor from others, as seen in act 69 on either Avaxus or Lisuke.
  • The mask he wears is the exact same as Chapel’s. Whether this has more meaning is uncertain as the storyline is discontinued.